Buses and Coaches carry passengers on a daily basis meaning that in the event of a fire, there is a significant risk of injury and loss of life. Fire suppression systems are designed to detect and suppress a fire quickly, reducing the risk of injury and damage to property.
There over 500 million bus journeys were made in Australia each year. According to The Office of Transport Safety Investigations there are over 70 bus fires each year, the requirement for automatic fire suppression systems has never been so important. Causes of the fires could be broadly attributed to electrical faults, wheel or tyre problems and oil, coolant or fuel system faults associated with the turbocharger. |

Specially developed for BUS Systems ▪ AS 5062 . Features ▪ Auto operation with 60s delay ▪ 2 Detection circuits – works with Thermal ROR, smoke detectors, or LHD ▪ Monitored circuits ▪ Options for delayed or 2nd shot and Shutdown relay ▪ 12-24vDC.
Compliance with Australian design rules on noise has led to the the full encapsulation of the engine area has resulted in greater containement of generated heat. This also meant that in most cases the driver was completly unawre of the fire until alerted by others.
FirePro is ideal for protection of Buses
FirePro fire suppression systems are compact, easy to install and not pressurised, making them a unique fire extinguishing solution for buses. Installed in and around the engine, the systems detect and suppress fire. Operated manually or automatically, depending on requirements. Once activated the system will discharge the aerosol which will suppresses the fire, minimising damage and potential harm to operators and passengers. |