Rail forms a critical part of transport infrastructure, and has many components including locomotives both diesel and electric, and the large variety of track maintenance equipment. Each of there typs of equipment has inherent risks of fire. Fire suppression systems are designed to detect and suppress a fire quickly, reducing the risk of injury and damage to property.
FirePro is ideal for protection of Mobile Rail Infrastructure & Equipment
FirePro is ideally suited for this type of equipment as it is compact, easy to install and not pressurised, making them a unique fire extinguishing solution. The maintenance requirements are much simplier than pressurised systems, and there is not agent to chnage or replace. The system has no cylinders which require hydrostatic testing, no pipework or nozzles.
Systems have been installed on Electric Locomotives, maintenance equipment such as Track Grinding Machines, Tamper & Regulators, and Flash Butt Welders. |

▪ Certified to AS 5062 . Features ▪ Manual or Auto operation ▪ 2 Detection circuits – works with Thermal ROR, smoke detectors, or LHD ▪ Monitored circuits ▪ Options for delay or 2nd shot and Shutdown relay ▪ 12-24vDC.